FREE TABU – and good bye to all that.

Dora wrote...

After a much discussed and very well assisted – and to my taste, extremely interesting, although I must admit I am easily interested in many things- show featuring the conversation between Astrid Proll and Klaus Stern, and after dismissing the depression of Jan about audience participation, and after having Tabu encouraging the audience to keep on smiling, the last show was there. Felix Ensslin was guest for the second time and Johannes Ullmaier was his partner to speak about : Killing the father? Avant-garde and violence in post war literature and art.

The questions, more or less, and approximately, the answers: Continue reading

A preventive demonstration. News from Outside.

Dora wrote...

…and that’s why we are on the streets, because we think it’s better to do it now, than to do it when it’s too late.


…für eine Stadt! Für alle!

KLAU MICH ended up in the street. This is something that I could see coming. Revolt had to escape the theater space.

KLAU MICH visited the future in the show on August 10, with Rolf Schwendter. Now it has visited it again, with the first preventive demonstration ever. Preventive demonstration? yes, Didn’t you hear about preventive wars? Preventive demonstration is a sort of civil rights preventive war.

Gentrification is not yet an issue in Kassel. Yet, it is an important issue in Hamburg and, in Liverpool- where the next project will happen in a few days. Truth is, smart politicians and investors have discovered that a very efficient and profitable way of avoiding social conflict is just sending away from their homes the people who are victims of this social conflict, the conflictuous inhabitants themselves- by making it impossible for them to keep living where they live. This is gentrification, and artists are often knowing or unknowing accomplices for that.

Curious to know, and to understand? double check this:

News from Outside.

Art is not sustainable

Dora wrote...

Says Matthias von Hartz.

The show on August 31 was a very special one. Here the official summary: AUGUST 31, POLITICS, PERFORMANCE, AND THE RIGHT TO THE CITY. Or How performance is politics. Theater curator Matthias von Hartz and journalist and activist Christoph Twickel are guest at the Steal Me show with the moderation of Ellen Blumenstein. They discuss how much art needs politics and how much politics needs art. Following a tradition of art and street activism, the show ends in a rather unusual manner, with the audience, the guests, and the TV crew leaving the Klau Mich stage to go to demonstrate on the street, with the soundtrack of Elvis Presley’s Viva Las Vegas.

However, a quote by Matthias von Hartz really caught my attention: art is not sustainable. In which context was it said? Continue reading

August 17 intro monologue ON RADICAL EDUCATION

Dora wrote...

Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this rather hot Friday afternoon in the Ständehaus in Kassel! This is, as you heard, Die Klau Mich Show. Today´s subject is education, es geht heute um Erziehung oder genauer gesagt um “Radical Education”, um “radikale Erziehung”.

(he seems to think for a moment)

And this show will unfold like an essay, that is the reason why we have called it “on radical education”. Continue reading

Ulf Aminde and Felix Ensslin on Jenny the Pirate: a translation into English

Dora wrote...

Tabu: I would like to call not to the stage our guests for today: Ulf Aminde, Ellen Blumenstein, Felix Ensslin. Ladies and Gentlemen, a warm applause for them.

(The guests enter. Ulf Aminde goes directly to the pianist and begins to read accompanied by her piano)

Ulf Aminde:

Dear dad, I am doing well. Continue reading

Ulf Aminde and Felix Ensslin on Jenny the Pirate

Dora wrote...

Tabu: I would like to call not to the stage our guests for today: Ulf Aminde, Ellen Blumenstein, Felix Ensslin. Ladies and Gentlemen, a warm applause for them.

(The guests enter. Ulf Aminde goes directly to the pianist and begins to read accompanied by her piano)

Ulf Aminde:

“Lieber Papa, mir geht es gut.  Continue reading

Something I found while transcribing the interview with Frank Matzke

Dora wrote...

Frank Matzke and the hArt times theater, July 27

I therefore demand it explicitly, again, because I wanted to know whether your way of working includes the emotional manipulation of the audience as a concept. So for example, by choosing a particular music, or by choosing a particular topic? Continue reading