The below listed texts have been commissioned for the upcoming publication "KLAU MICH: radicalism in society meets experiment in the arts", that will be published by Walther König as part of the dOCUMENTA(13) artists' books series in September 2012, in coproduction with Centro José Guerrero de la diputación de Granada, 3bisf Marseille, and art to be. The text by Claire Bishop is reproduced with the permission of the MIT press. Here you can download the .pdfs
"The Klau Mich Show, an instituting practice", Yolanda Romero
"El show Klau Mich, una práctica instituyente", Yolanda Romero
“Feelings and Things, Gene Swenson and The Other Tradition", Eva Fabbris
"Participation and Spectacle: Where Are We Now?", Claire Bishop
"Politik des Mediums", Ellen Blumenstein
"Politics of the Medium", Ellen Blumenstein