Pirate Jenny

Dora wrote...

We have a pianist now, Mathilde.

We have as well a mysterious new Klau Mich show coming up IN AUGUST 3 with Felix Ensslin, Ulf Aminde and Ellen Blumenstein. We only know that the title is “putting paid”. It will be introduced by Tabu. Here are some of the sentences that will be said during the opening monologue:

“Meine Damen und meine Herren welcome to the Klau Mich show, or, in English, the STEAL ME show. Very welcome the audience here in Ständehaus, very welcome to those who see us through local television, and very welcome to our world wide audience seeing us live. My name is Tabu. Continue reading


Dora wrote...

We look forward to the new show, ON THEATER, ON THEATER OF CRUELTY and ON HART TIMES THEATER. With Chaosium and hArt times theater group.
Hard times indeed, very hard.
After so many hardships this week- art criminals stole our streaming computer, yesterday one of our main actresses for today’s show deserted us in anger- we are still standing. Streaming is repaired, new computer working, and as usual, the KLAU MICH show will be streaming today at 14:00 at
See here the beautiful pictures taking by Juan, our new little kleine kleine Tabu. This is Klau Mich seen from the perspective of a nine-years-old child.
More after the new show.
All best dear readers, if not many, certainly exquisite readers.


tabu wrote...

Everything gone well last friday. Chaosium was split, women where on stage, having a talk, some lipstick, a HukuLele. Men where on the professional audience stage, looking at the show and sometimes reading their CarsMagazine.

The Guest have time to speak and presented their ideas and works, but the conversation didn’t really explose between them, Ellen managed well to keep going in with questions, and time runs very fast! We didn’t have enough minutes to speak about all the subjetcs…

Anyway the final was a dialogue between women and men just before the Vinyl blows his sound into Ständehaus and people start to dance toghether!

See you soon,
