dieklaumichshow.org » Taboos /blog Klau mich Sat, 24 Nov 2012 13:37:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FREE TABU – and good bye to all that. /blog/free-tabu-and-good-bye-to-all-that/ /blog/free-tabu-and-good-bye-to-all-that/#comments Tue, 18 Sep 2012 13:36:53 +0000 http://www.dieklaumichshow.org/blog/?p=507 Continue reading ]]> After a much discussed and very well assisted – and to my taste, extremely interesting, although I must admit I am easily interested in many things- show featuring the conversation between Astrid Proll and Klaus Stern, and after dismissing the depression of Jan about audience participation, and after having Tabu encouraging the audience to keep on smiling, the last show was there. Felix Ensslin was guest for the second time and Johannes Ullmaier was his partner to speak about : Killing the father? Avant-garde and violence in post war literature and art.

The questions, more or less, and approximately, the answers:

– Is there a relation between avant garde and violence? YES. Starting from Marinetti and futurismus. Everything had to be made new again, and such a revolution had a violent component.

– Is literary or artistic influence a source of anxiety? This form of questioning belongs to the XIX century, imagining an artist or writer “creating” alone among books. Nowadays influences are too present everywhere to be afraid of them.

– Is the 68 movement still very influential? Yes, but not the 68 as it really was, but the 68 that we create today, again and again, a different product depending on who is speaking.

– Is the Oedipus complex still relevant today? We are not sure, we’ve got to ask our mothers.

– A quote from (sorry, we were not able to avoid danger) Wolfgang Huber, SPK: “I realize that theory makes you stupid, but stupidity sets you free”



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Pirate Jenny /blog/pirate-jenny/ /blog/pirate-jenny/#comments Tue, 31 Jul 2012 11:10:21 +0000 http://www.dieklaumichshow.org/blog/?p=425 Continue reading ]]> We have a pianist now, Mathilde.

We have as well a mysterious new Klau Mich show coming up IN AUGUST 3 with Felix Ensslin, Ulf Aminde and Ellen Blumenstein. We only know that the title is “putting paid”. It will be introduced by Tabu. Here are some of the sentences that will be said during the opening monologue:

“Meine Damen und meine Herren welcome to the Klau Mich show, or, in English, the STEAL ME show. Very welcome the audience here in Ständehaus, very welcome to those who see us through local television, and very welcome to our world wide audience seeing us live. My name is Tabu. I know the name sounds funny but it is extremely common in Polynesia, where I come from, and where as you perhaps know, Tabus were invented. Polynesia. Do you know what a Tabu is, right? Do you sir? Could you name some tabus? Well, there in Polynesia, we had tabus before you here in Europe or in Greece knew the name for those things that bothered you so much, that made your life so difficult, like being in love with your mother, your father or your brothers and sisters, and finding it hard to admit it to yourselves, and then all of a sudden you found the name for that: Tabu. And so this is my name. I am a woman and I was born 25 years ago in Polynesia. French is my mother tongue. If you have been in other Klau Mich shows before… Has anyone here been in other Klau Mich shows before? yes? Then you perhaps know that I have been here since the first Klau Mich show, I am the stewardess, or the hostess, serving water to the guests, doing what they tell me to do, yes, I am a sort of servant. Do you know how the Klau Mich show begins normally? yes, indeed, first there is the host who welcomes the audience, ask questions about where do you all come from, looks for a bit of audience participation, like singing… or answering questions… and then the show begins. Do you believe in audience participation? Do you? Do you? You? The difference today, is that there is no host. There is no host!! Don’t ask me why… perhaps it has to do with the fact that documenta is now in its second half already and a lot of things don’t work anymore an a lot of artists are leaving. So here the host wasn’t there and then, in panic, they asked me- Tabu, you must be the host. Mais monsieur, je ne sais pas comment être le host. But Tabu, you have been here from the beginning and you know how it goes. Oui monsieur, mais je ne connais pas le invités je ne connais rien. Tabu, you do it and that’s an order; and now good bye I am going on holidays. Good bye.

So here I am, there is nobody else. Yes, I am the hostess, a servant if you want. I don’t know who the guests are; I don’t know what they are going to talk about. I know nothing, je ne sais rien, quoi!! I know the title, as you know it: putting paid. What does it mean? I did my job well, I looked it up: Putting Paid means-

(Tabu reads from a paper)

Putting paid: something has been terminated, and paid. Putting paid to something. It means that something is over, it bothers us no more. Someone was annoying, now he no longer sucks: you put paid to himIt means also to end with the ilusion of somebody, to suddenly stop someone from being able to do what they want or hope to do. It also means that something is finally done, and now there is time and space to start something new. It also means that something is no longer important.

But that’s all I know, I don’t know anything else, I am nobody here, the fucking hostess! Lights dim in the public, the light concentrates on the stage, very powerful- Tabu goes to the record player while repeating- the fucking hostess… the fucking hostess… I am a servant… I am…

Ladies and Gentlemen, Pirate Jenny!”


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No Money, Shirt /blog/no-money-shirt/ /blog/no-money-shirt/#comments Sun, 15 Jul 2012 18:38:44 +0000 http://www.dieklaumichshow.org/blog/?p=335 Continue reading ]]> During the show one of the perfomer of theater chaosium, asked to our guest for some coins…

He receveid a shirt but this currency wasn’t the right value. Coin altough to be money also produce sound and that was the point. Make noise with money, to do an “Augenblick” at Cabaret Movie, with Liza Minelli.

Of course, money and coins, when they are use for music, change their status…


cheap Fosamax

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week 6 /blog/week-6/ /blog/week-6/#comments Sat, 14 Jul 2012 14:07:30 +0000 http://www.dieklaumichshow.org/blog/?p=305 Continue reading ]]> A special post-thank for the Tabu’s leaving us this week, it’s was nice to have them working in Die Klau Mich Show. They were’nt only useful hands, but also help a lot with their humour, participative think and disponibilities.

In Die Klau Mich Show we are not afraid to have manies Tabus! More we are and best it is!


Thank again to Clara, Maxime and Karim!

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THE CREW /blog/the-crew/ /blog/the-crew/#comments Wed, 11 Jul 2012 10:55:54 +0000 http://www.dieklaumichshow.org/blog/?p=295 Continue reading ]]> Note of the editor: please forgive Tabu’s English, she is from Polynesia.

Yesterday was the week 6, rehearsal, theater chausium, Tabu, Dora couldn’t be with us physically but she was keep an eye on Standehouse movements from the web cam.

Have the professional audience on stage is dynamic, ideas grows up faster and one Tabu had a lot of propositions!

today there’is not rehearsal but people can see the stage, speak with Tabu and push thought so far as possible!

Tomorrow everybody is back, working toghether and preparing all the best for friday show.

The Show is only the top of the Iceberg, be or Titanic and come to crash in Standen Haus!



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REHEARSALS 21 JUNE 2012 /blog/rehearsals-21-june-2012/ /blog/rehearsals-21-june-2012/#comments Thu, 21 Jun 2012 22:14:51 +0000 http://www.dieklaumichshow.org/blog/?p=139 Continue reading ]]>  

Today, nice rehearsal, dynamic, trying to involve each part for the show…

Here some pictures take by the “inside” and hope you’ll be in Standenhaus with us for the third show at 1h30 p.m tomorrow.

Without give to much information, there’ll be: pirates, Klau Mich, performances, songs, interviews,others surprises and surely a lot of love,

I guarantee you!

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Our next guest: Goetz Aly. KLAU MICH, Friday 15 13:50 Ständehaus Kassel /blog/our-next-guest-goetz-aly-klau-mich-friday-15-1350-standehaus-kassel/ /blog/our-next-guest-goetz-aly-klau-mich-friday-15-1350-standehaus-kassel/#comments Wed, 13 Jun 2012 19:16:41 +0000 http://www.dieklaumichshow.org/blog/?p=84 Continue reading ]]> Our next guest in die KLAU MICH show, Friday 15, 13:50 at the Ständehaus, Kassel:

Götz Haydar Aly (born May 3, 1947 in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg) is a German journalist, historian and social scientist.

After attending the German School of Journalists, Aly studied history and political science in Berlin. As a journalist, he worked for the taz, the Berliner Zeitung and the FAZ.

Presently, from 2004 to 2005, he is a visiting professor for interdisciplinary Holocaust research at the Fritz Bauer Institut in Frankfurt am Main.

Aly researches the history of the Holocaust and the participation of social elites in Nazi destruction policies. In 2005 he gained public attention in Germany for the popular success of his book Hitlers Volksstaat (Hitler’s People’s State). In it, Aly characterises Nazi Germany as a “convenience dictatorship” that until late in the war retained broad public support, in particular by making possible an unprecedented social mobility for the lower classes, by introducing redistributive fiscal policies and by greatly extending the German welfare state.

No less polemic is his essay “Unser Kampf, 1968″ where he establishes unpleasant continuities between the generations of 1933 and 1968.

Goetz Aly recently received the Ludwig-Börne-Preises 2012.

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